
Group: DynoMotion Message: 14452 From: Federico Javier de la Cruz Riz Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Some questions.
Hi everybody, my name is Federico from Argentina. I need some help to fix some issues related to the ATC of my  MAZAK V10N retrofit. I have already the "c" program to search tool, change and return last tool to pocket. I need to know if there is a chance to modify the default selected tool in Kmotion CNC, so when i turn off the machine (kmotion close and machine power off), and power up again, the kmotion selected tool must be the last tool before power down. Actually when i close kmotionCNC and restart it, the default tool is #1.
Any help is apreciated!

Group: DynoMotion Message: 14453 From: fdelacruzriz@gmail.com Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Some questions.
Find one way, wich is to modify the set file of kmotion. Thanks anyway. But, still have one other thing i would like to implement for the machine. The carrousel of the machine is hydraulic, and takes a lot of time to rotate, i am trying to find a way to search for the tool using a second thread, but the only way i find to pass tool number, but no tool change action is tricking the tool number. In fanuc controls, for example "T5" alone without the M6, will prepare tool number 5 in the carrousel, but no change action. Here if i type T5 nothing happens. I believe i can insert mcode M6 T105 when i want T5 prepare (TOOL 5 plus 100), and ask in the change tool routine if tool number is bigger than 100, the tool must be searched, but do not change it. If tool is less than 100, search (if not already in position) and change.
Does somebody have a second idea?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 14454 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Some questions.

Could you use a special M Code for the preparation?  ie.

M100 P5 (Prepare to load Tool 5)





On 2/24/2017 9:28 AM, fdelacruzriz@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Find one way, wich is to modify the set file of kmotion. Thanks anyway. But, still have one other thing i would like to implement for the machine. The carrousel of the machine is hydraulic, and takes a lot of time to rotate, i am trying to find a way to search for the tool using a second thread, but the only way i find to pass tool number, but no tool change action is tricking the tool number. In fanuc controls, for example "T5" alone without the M6, will prepare tool number 5 in the carrousel, but no change action. Here if i type T5 nothing happens. I believe i can insert mcode M6 T105 when i want T5 prepare (TOOL 5 plus 100), and ask in the change tool routine if tool number is bigger than 100, the tool must be searched, but do not change it. If tool is less than 100, search (if not already in position) and change.

Does somebody have a second idea?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 14455 From: Federico Javier de la Cruz Riz Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: Re: Some questions.
Thanks, that seems to be much simpler to decode. Will use that one and after everything complete, share code and pics, and video.

2017-02-24 15:19 GMT-03:00 Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>:

Could you use a special M Code for the preparation?  ie.

M100 P5 (Prepare to load Tool 5)

http://dynomotion.com/Help/ KMotionCNC/MCodesWithParams. htm




On 2/24/2017 9:28 AM, fdelacruzriz@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Find one way, wich is to modify the set file of kmotion. Thanks anyway. But, still have one other thing i would like to implement for the machine. The carrousel of the machine is hydraulic, and takes a lot of time to rotate, i am trying to find a way to search for the tool using a second thread, but the only way i find to pass tool number, but no tool change action is tricking the tool number. In fanuc controls, for example "T5" alone without the M6, will prepare tool number 5 in the carrousel, but no change action. Here if i type T5 nothing happens. I believe i can insert mcode M6 T105 when i want T5 prepare (TOOL 5 plus 100), and ask in the change tool routine if tool number is bigger than 100, the tool must be searched, but do not change it. If tool is less than 100, search (if not already in position) and change.

Does somebody have a second idea?


Saludos cordiales.

Federico de la Cruz Riz.